Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The 1956-57 Student Council

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If you still have your senior year book, the activities of the Student Council (pp.12-13) are interesting for its wide range of interests. On the two page spread, the following activities are listed.
    Met with the student councils from Oregon and Polo to discuss school problems organized all Homecoming activities managed game concessions appointed sponsors for dances presented Courtesy Week (juniors Barb G. and Gary G. were Miss and Mr. Courtesy) sponsored candy sales during the noon hour in charge of assemblies in charge of the campaign for candidates for council (speeches and assembly) in charge of Conference Track activities sponsored Student-Faculty Dinner responsible for decorating the showcase planned Freshman Orientation Day handled lost and found coat check recreation room tournaments supervised the TV set which was a gift from the class of 1956 held a work day in April (we beat Earthday by 13 years!) to clean up the school grounds attended state and district conventions had a picnic supper with past members at Camp Emmaus Spring dinner with various other committees to prepare for new year worked on a community code with the PTA began planning for a student handbook.
Whew! I had no idea. Council met the first and third Wednesdays and the Council projects all had committees drawn from the student body. Looking at the photo, all representatives appear to be Sophomores through Seniors, which would make sense because elections were in the Spring before the Freshmen were part of the student body.

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