Monday, March 01, 2010

Another birthday party found!

Sylvia is sharing an adorable photo, and I'm really thrilled to see another photo of my cousin, Jimmy, who died in 1949. For years I didn't have a single photograph and in the last few days I've acquired five. Another thing amazing about these "little guys" is how dressed up they are! Look how many are wearing sport coats. Sylvia supplied the identification. Probably 1948--Dave's 9th birthday.

Back row: Tom Walker (deceased), Dave B, Gene H(class of 1956)?, Jimmy Corbett (deceased), Dick Z, (_unknown__)
Front row: Dave G (class of 1958)?, Dave N (class of 1959), Dave S., Mike B, Dolores Saunders (deceased)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Yes, the guy 3rd from the left is Gene hoffman from the class of '56.