The Mt. Morris High School class of 1957 had a wonderful reunion on Monday evening, July 2, 2007, at the White Pines. And a good time was had by all. I'll post some photos here. If you want to e-mail some of yours, send them to Sylvia or me. She can sort through and decide on dups.
The hard working committee made up of the locally available classmates provided a booklet, displays, round tables so we didn't have to eat cafeteria style, table decorations, special faculty guests, a program, a class photo, and lots of time for socializing. Our class was well stocked with funny people, so there were lots of laughs.

This was a display of "old" photos, and the scrapbook in front is a meticulously kept "archive" of our class activities and reunions during the last 50 years kept by Nancy S. An amazing feat!

Diane B., John T. (spouse), Marian D., Sharon G., Lynne F.

Francine K., Bob C., Priscilla D., Nancy L.

Tina K. and Norma C. and husbands

Doree D. and Carol S. from class of 58 "crashing our party!" How exciting to see them, too.

Sarah Y. and Dave B. probably talking basketball.

Former teachers who attended the reunion were Warren and Carol Reckmeyer, Ray and Esther Appler and Katie Dirksen. Photo sent by Nancy S.

This isn't the "official" portrait, but I think you can see we were a happy bunch. Click to enlarge. I don't have my editing software on this computer.