Sunday, November 25, 2018
The MMHS 1957 blog is closing down
A huge thank you to Nancy Falzone, Lynne Wilburn, Sylvia Saunders and Mike Balluff who have supplied the majority of the photos, stories and newspaper articles. We've got stories and photos of the 10th, 15th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 57th, and 60th reunions, and the 52nd and 53rd "events," plus the ladies breakfasts that met whether or not the whole class did! Actually, the 50th reunion entries are a bit skimpy. If I have the correct labels, about 70 of the entries are from the 1950s (there is some overlap), there are a number of birthday parties, lots of sports stories--baseball, basketball, football, golf, track and tennis--organizations like 4-H, scouting, band, GAA, Student Council, churches, town businesses, town landmarks, 4 trees to help reforest the campus, plus a memorial tree dedicated to deceased members of the class, a class marker on the campus, 4 entries in the town Christmas celebration, a painted hydrant for July 4, weddings and anniversaries (there would have been more but I didn't get photos from Jon and Phil who celebrated their 50th anniversaries during our blog's time), the class plays, current health problems of class members, and a number of obituaries, including class members who died during the time of the blog--Carolyn, Marv, Neal, Klaus, Diane, Francine, Darlene, Jerry, Sharon, Glenn R., Nelson, Phil and Libby, as well as our former teachers, and parents of classmates. Probably the saddest entries for me were the obituaries of the sons of our classmates, Glenn R., Lynne and Salley. Those I didn't expect to write. But we also have poetry (thank you, Lynne), some YouTube videos of songs and music of "our times," a movie made in Mt. Morris, and some warm memories. As long as Blogger dot com continues, our class and its times will have a spot on the internet.
Have a blessed Christmas and a great 2019.
Christmas 2018,
Nancy S.,
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Class of 1957 enters Tree Contest

Photo of tree will be added later.
Update: Nov. 17: Here is the class tree. Our school colors were red and black and we're. . . let's face it . . . old and touched with silver. So there's a black board with name of class, red apples on a silver tree. Quite appropriate for the season, and our season. Not sure who all worked on this, but I know Nancy Falzone was heading things up.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Autumn and our class of 1957 tree
Members of the class of 1957 dedicated a lovely tree for the campus a few months ago. Earlier a marker was also placed. Now that the colors are turning, Lynne says it's a lovely sight with great color. She will make sure it is well watered as the cold weather moves in.
When our little village was founded as a place to establish a Methodist seminary, there weren't many trees because of the prairie grass. "The prairie land on the crest of the hill on which Mount Morris was built contained about 10 square miles. This prairie was entirely surrounded by heavy timber. The timber line came very close to the present village limits on the north, but about 2 or 3 miles to the east, south and west." Mount Morris: Past and Present, 2nd ed. 1938.
Settlers on the prairie, including the original Maryland Colony, looked for "groves" where there were trees to supply materials for shelter and fire wood. When we visited Illinois in September we had the opportunity to see the Nachusa Grasslands near Oregon, and the size of that prairie "grass" is stunning. Well over my head. So it was a challenge for the trees to get established. After farmers broke up the sod, and the fertile soil began to produce, then the trees had a chance.
The cornerstone for the original seminary was laid on July 4, 1839 (p. 102). Also a fitting reminder because our class often gathers on July 4, and has participated in the parade. That summer and fall, the town was platted and the town was named Mount Morris. ( p. 104) Photos I've seen of the campus even in the 19th century show there were many trees, and our class is contributing to that tradition of planting trees for the future.
Settlers on the prairie, including the original Maryland Colony, looked for "groves" where there were trees to supply materials for shelter and fire wood. When we visited Illinois in September we had the opportunity to see the Nachusa Grasslands near Oregon, and the size of that prairie "grass" is stunning. Well over my head. So it was a challenge for the trees to get established. After farmers broke up the sod, and the fertile soil began to produce, then the trees had a chance.
The cornerstone for the original seminary was laid on July 4, 1839 (p. 102). Also a fitting reminder because our class often gathers on July 4, and has participated in the parade. That summer and fall, the town was platted and the town was named Mount Morris. ( p. 104) Photos I've seen of the campus even in the 19th century show there were many trees, and our class is contributing to that tradition of planting trees for the future.
Mount Morris Past and Present,
tree planting,
Tuesday, October 09, 2018
Class of 1957 enjoys breakfast in September
On September 22 at 9 a.m. in the Campus Cafe, a few members of the Mt. Morris Class of 1957 met for breakfast. Marion, Ebba, Nancy, Moe, Lynne, David, Sylvia, Norma, Mary Jane, Nancy, Jean, Greeley. This class is fortunate to have a very active local committee—this was the third get-together in 2018.

Monday, September 17, 2018
Salley in the news
Sauk Valley Media reports. . . September 13, 2018
Three local wrap up play at Sr. Amateur
Salley Wessels of Mount Morris fired an 84 on Thursday and finished at 250, good for a tie for 15th place, at the Illinois State Senior Women’s Amateur golf tournament at Metamora Fields Country Club.
Two Dixon golfers also competed in the tournament. Kristie Pultorak and Mimi Boysen each shot rounds of 89 on Thursday. Pultorak tired for 36th with a three-round total of 262, while Boysen finished five shots back in a tie for 43rd.
Friday, June 08, 2018
Breakfast on July 4, 2018
Let's meet at the Mt. Morris Fire Department
for the Firemen's Breakfast....
Table will be reserved for us from 8:30AM on.
Spouse, friend, family all welcome, too.
And if you happen to be in town for the festivities....
be sure to stop by..
Nancy F., Mike B.
Nancy K., Salley W.
Sylvia S. with Doree D. of 1958 class
Nancy F. with brother Don and wife, 1959 class
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Celebrating May birthdays for the class of 1957
The class of 1957 can always find time for a party, and this year it was May birthdays, Marion Thompson, Mike Balluff, Nancy Falzone, Greely Myers, Lynne Wilburn, Dave Saunders, Steve Brinker and Bonnie Soresie.
Five of the celebrities were available for the celebration
Sylvia writes in a group e-mail: Yes, we had a very nice get-together this morning. It was good to see everyone. Thanks to Nancy for bringing the cake...and it was yummy. And thanks Lynne, for putting all the tree plans in place....and we got 'er done. It will be a beautiful tree and an asset to the well as the others that have been planted.
Lynne provided details to the group about the tree—an oak—and reported on those of us who couldn’t make the trip to help in the celebration. She also arranged for the local paper to do a write up on the event and stopped back at the Campus Café to thank them.
Looking through my file, I found a party photo in the way-back machine. Nancy’s birthday party 66 years ago in 1952—with a few ladies of our class—Sara, Lynne, Dorothy, Fran, Nancy, Norma, Pris, Betty, Deb, Donna, Kay, and Barb.
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