Saturday, September 26, 2009

Updating you on life after 70 for the Mt. Morris Class of 1957

Nancy S. wrote a book and Bob C. did the proofreading.

Norma C. has twelve blogs, paints watercolors, volunteered for a recent bird watchers symposium, and toured the Holy Land in March.

Dave B. drives a school bus and enjoys their school sporting events and writes Bible studies.

Lynne F. walked over 600 miles this summer, is working part-time and is "dating" at 70 and still cranking out poetry. Also volunteers at the new Mt. Morris food pantry, Loaves and Fish.

Marion D. enjoys her grandchildren and looks after her mother.

Priscilla D. is a community activist currently trying to get a museum going and getting e-mail friendly.

Darlene H. has gone back to school to polish up skills.

Sharon G. made a remarkable recovery from a two year bout with serious health problems.

Glenn R. and Greely M. are recent cancer survivors with clean bills of health and are now enjoying golf and fishing.

Mike B. and Barb H. both moved into new homes.

Nancy L. is taking all four grandsons to Disneyland for Christmas (a sheer act of courage).

Phil E. helped his son with his lawn business this summer; he was seen in all neighborhoods mowing grass.

Fran K. recovered rapidly from all her summer surgeries and will be spending some of the winter in FL.

Sylvia T. is busy all over with her music skills and Dave S. keeps busy with the Border Collies (the smartest dogs in town).

Salley O. just keeps winning golf tournaments and making us all feel good in the process.

Moe and Nancy have given back to the earth with their planting and gentle care of the land, no small thing considering the size of their country home. And it doesn’t stop there with them, they have helped out others in their quest to restore the land.

It is true we have lost a few along the way. And some of us will face some health issues this coming year and decade but knowing what a tough bunch we are, we will draw on all the inner strength and faith we have and we will prevail.

That’s life . . . but what I’ve learned of life can be summed up in the phrase--“It goes on.”

You will want to watch this site for updates on classmates as they come about . . . both good and not so good. After all, it isn’t just about “they way we were,” but they way we are now. Stay well and always remember you are loved.

Submitted by Lynne

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